Building self-confidence in myself began with getting clear on WHO I was and who I wanted to be. I lived so much of my life trying to stay safe and not be seen. I didn't want to be seen and I would say or do anything that I thought other people wanted me to do. The problem with this is that I had absolutely no idea WHO I was.
Whenever I did something or said something that was true for me and someone would say that I was "silly" or "stupid" I would crumble. My identity relied on what OTHER people thought about me or what THEY thought I should or shouldn't do.
It wasn't until I decided to take ownership of my life that I decided to get uncomfortable. I started asking myself some difficult questions and got really clear on WHO I am and how I want to show up.
So if you feel like you struggle when you get in a group setting or default to what everyone else is saying... it's time to come back to yourself girlfriend! Let's get really clear on who YOU are and start building your self confidence because YOU are the ONLY you there is! You are SPECIAL! You have something that NOBODY else has on this entire planet! It's time to share your gift and light with the world!
If you know me at all then you know that I love using positive affirmations and challenging our negative thoughts that come up and swapping them with a positive one instead. I dig into reprogramming the subconscious mind in pretty much every program or challenge I have. But journaling to help boost self-esteem is an absolute game changer because you are actually putting pen to paper and organizing your thoughts.
If you are feeling a bit lost I have some book recommendations for you!
Your second life begins when you realize you only have one (this book changed my life and the way I see myself!)
You are a Badass (Literally life changing and a total confidence boost!)
Check out more of my favorite things here!
Before we jump into journal prompts I think it's a fair question to ask yourself "what is self esteem anyway?" Or "what is self-confidence anyway?" You can take a moment to define what you think it means to you and start there with your journaling. Here are the definitions for both 👇🏼
The definition of Self Esteem is: confidence in one's own worth or abilities; self-respect. Self-esteem is how we value and perceive ourselves. It's based on our opinions and beliefs about ourselves, which can feel difficult to change. We might also think of this as self confidence.
The definition of Self-Confidence is: a feeling of trust in one's abilities, qualities, and judgement. Self confidence is an attitude about your skills and abilities. It means you accept and trust yourself and have a sense of control in your life. You know your strengths and weakness well, and have a positive view of yourself. You set realistic expectations and goals, communicate assertively, and can handle criticism.
Here are some of my favorite journal prompts to boost self esteem, gain self-confidence, and get clear on who you truly are.
☽ What do you really love about yourself?
☽ What do you do well?
☽ What do you want to feel tomorrow?
☽ What is your favorite thing to do?
☽ Name a quality that you have that you know is valuable to people in your life?
☽ What are your interests?
☽ What do you really love to do?
☽ If you tend to overthink, what are you typically overthinking?
☽ When do you feel your happiest?
☽ If you showed up authentically what would that look like?
☽ If you showed up authentically how would that look different than the way you show up now?
☽ What needs to change in order for you to be able to show up as your authentic self?
☽ How do the people closest to you treat you? Do you feel like you can be yourself around them? If not how would it look if you chose to spend less time with them?
☽ What is holding you back from showing up authentically?
☽ What is holding you back from pursuing your dreams?
☽ What does the word confidence mean to you?
☽ What is something you would stop doing if you were more confident?
☽ How can you implement more positive self-talk?
☽ List 10 things that make you happy? How can you incorporate more of that into your life?
☽ What is your absolute favorite thing about yourself?
☽ Take 5-10 minutes to journal about what your dream life looks like. Don't let anything be wrong. Let it stretch far beyond what you have ever experienced.