Some of you may or may not know how starting my daily gratitude practice completely changed my life! Which is why I created a free guide for you so that it can completely change your life too! Download here. BUT, it also got me to start my journaling practice.
And let me tell you... journaling has opened me up to a whole new world. It makes me look at areas of my life that I used to hide from. Things that I didn't want to deal with. But in acknowledging those parts of me. By shining light on my wants and desires, and what is holding me back from living my best life. Or showing up as my true authentic self has opened doors for me in ways that I never could have imagined. I'm going to share with you some of my top journal prompts that I ask myself that have COMPLETELY changed my life! And I PROMISE that if you start to ask yourself these questions it will completely change yours too!
But first, create a ritual. Make this a habit and routine that you do everyday. Some people love to wake up first thing and set their intentions for the day while sipping their coffee, matcha late, or cup of tea. For me I love to end my day with gratitude and journaling. Play around with it. What FEELS good to you?
Alright are you ready to start to up-level your life? Let's GO!
☽ Take 5-10 minutes to journal about what a PERFECT day in your life looks like. Don't let anything be wrong. Let it stretch far beyond what you have ever experienced. Start from the moment you wake up, what do you do? What are you wearing? What do you do on a perfect day? Where are you? Who are you with? Let anything come up.
☽ If I showed up as my next level self tomorrow how would I show up differently?
☽ What does my next level self look like? What does she do for work? How does she dress? How does she act? What does she do for FUN? Get very specific!
☽ What is holding me back?
☽ What do I LOVE to do?
☽ What are my deepest desires?
☽ If money wasn't an issue how would I spend my life?